Wednesday, October 13, 2010

YearBook Cover Attempt

This is basically my first attempt at creating a yearbook cover for the theme of time. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Graphics Design Logos and Watch Assignment

The watch above was created from scratch using CoreDRAW. I learned how to curve lines and shapes using certain tools in the program, creating the desired shapes needed to make the basic shapes of the watch. To create the metallic appearance of the watch, I used the gradient fill to fill in the watch. I also used the transform option to arrange the numbers evenly around the face. 


The logo above is the original trademarked logo for the corporation, Apple. I recreated this logo by curving a simple circle and removing a piece for the right part of the logo by melding a smaller circle in that area and cutting the small circle. To create the striped colors, I made rectangular blocks of each color and copying and pasting the colors to the logo.


The logo above is a recreation of the BMW logo using CorelDRAW. I recreated this image by creating multiple different sized circles on top of one another, while using the gradient fill tool to give it depth and a metallic appearance. I created the middle portion of the logo by creating semi circles and arranging them differently, while also using the gradient fill tool to make it appear rounded. The font used for this logo was Arial.


The image above is my attempt at recreating the CBC logo, using the program CorelDRAW. By creating this image, I learned how to copy and paste the individual semi circles and quarter circles and repositioning them in the appropiate area. I used the transformation option to reflect the and duplicate the pieces to create the CBC logo.


The above image is a recreation of the adidas logo. To recreate the white stripes, I made white rectangular bar and merged them together with the 3 ovals that were put close together at a certain angle. The white rectangles were made using the rectangle tool and the removal of the outlines.